
mardi 31 mai 2016

Top 9 Soothing Yoga Poses For Back Pain (+ Videos)

Back pain is extremely common and the causes can be difficult to diagnose. Some major factors in today’s society include an increased obesity level in the Western world and the impact of the digital age, with people hunching over their desks at work or at home on their computer or smartphone. The good news is, there are ways to decrease and rid yourself of chronic or temporary back pain, by improving your posture and strengthening your back. And yoga is one of the best tools around to tackle the problem…


Causes Of Back Pain

There are a number of potential causes of back pain, and it is, unfortunately, a common issue. The back is a complex structure, made of bones, muscles, nerves and joints, which can make it difficult to pinpoint specific causes. Back pain may be a symptom of a muscle or ligament strain, which can be caused by repeated heavy lifting or a sudden movement that jolts a muscle or ligament in a way it shouldn’t. It might be caused by bending over for long periods, lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy items, sporting injuries from overusing muscles, or sitting hunched over a desk or computer all day.

There are certain factors that can make some people more at risk than others of chronic back pain. Being overweight can put pressure on the spine, which can cause back pain, especially if you don’t have a strong core or strong back muscles to support the weight. Smoking may also cause problems if it leads to tissue damage, linked to an unhealthier lifestyle than the average non-smoker. The extra weight of carrying a baby around while pregnant places additional strain on the back, which can also cause back pain. Often this subsides after childbirth, but it can sometimes linger as a chronic problem in the long-term. Even being stressed or depressed can cause back pain, although it is not entirely understood scientifically how the two are related. The theory is that psychological and emotional factors cause some sort of physical change in the body that results in back pain.

Back pain

Causes Of Lower Back Pain

The lower back is particularly susceptible to weakness, pain and injuries. Mechanically speaking, this area is subjected to a lot of stress and strain, because it holds the weight of the upper body. The lower back is he bottom part of your spine, which is made up of more than 30 bones called vertebrae. These little bones are stacked on top of each other, separated with a disc between each bone, which is a spongy piece of cartilage. This acts as a shock absorber to stop the vertebrae from grinding on top of each other. However, these protective ‘sponges’ can wear away with age, which leads to degenerative disc disease. They can also tear and weaken, which can lead to a ‘slipped disc’ or ‘ruptured disc’. In this case, the center of the disc may bulge, which can cause it to press on sensitive nerves that are connected to the brain, resulting in excruciating pain. In some cases, a slipped disc in the lower back can put pressure on nerves that run down the spinal column, causing pain all the way down the buttocks and leg, which is called sciatica.

Lower back pain

There are a number of potential causes of lower back pain, including discs tearing, vertebral fractures caused by osteoporosis; spinal stenosis, which is usually caused by bone spurs as a result of osteoporosis; and scoliosis, which is an abnormal curvature of the spine. In some cases, lower back pain can be caused by diabetes or a pinched nerve. The cause of lower back pain can be difficult to diagnose for doctors, and it can be genetic.

How Posture Effects Back Pain

Maintaining an accurate, healthy posture helps your spine stay strong and stable. When you slouch or sit hunched over your desk at work, the muscles and ligaments in your back have to strain to keep you balanced, which can lead to back pain, and sometimes chronic back pain. Your back should have three natural, subtle curves – an inward or forward curve at the neck; an outward or backward curve around the upper back; and an inward curve around the lower back.

If you experience pain in your back, it could be the result of poor posture, and might be easily fixed if you spend some time training your body to stand and sit in a healthier position. 

Bad posture

Benefits Of Yoga For Back Pain

If you already suffer from back pain or a back injury, be sure to consult your doctor before practicing any yoga or exercise, whether at home or at a studio or fitness center.

Yoga can be extremely beneficial to people suffering from back pain or a weak back because it strengthens muscles in the back and core that protect and support the spine. It also improves posture, which takes pressure off the spine. If you already suffer from back pain, there are certain poses that are particularly beneficial in helping ease the pain, as well as strengthening the back and core muscles, and improving posture, to prevent or minimize the risk of future pain or injuries…

Cat-Cow Sequence

This is a good one to start with because it slowly and gently warms up and stretches the back and abs, loosening any tightness in the muscles.

Start in tabletop position on your mat. If your knees are sensitive, you can put a blanket or extra mat underneath them. Make sure your knees are directly underneath your hips, and hip-distant apart, and your hands are directly underneath your shoulders, shoulder-distance apart.

Cow pose

On an inhale, drop the belly down, arching the back and lifting your tailbone towards the sky. If you feel comfortable and balanced, you can also raise your face towards the sky, looking upwards to deepen the stretch. On an exhale, round the back, dropping the head and tailbone towards the ground. Repeat with your own breath for at least 5 breaths.

 Cat pose

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

This pose decompresses the spine, so it is a beneficial one to practice if you have a tight back. Have a yoga block in front of you, in case you need it. Start standing up with your legs wide in an upside-down ‘V’ shape, toes very slightly turned in towards each other, heels turned slightly out. Place your hands on your hips and lift your collarbone and chest upwards to lengthen your torso on an inhale. As you exhale, slowly fold forward, keeping your core strong and engaged, and your back straight. Once you are halfway down, release your hands from your hips and place them either on the firm block in front of you, or directly onto the mat. Keep your core and back strong and on each exhale, try to fold a little deeper, moving the crown of your head towards the ground.

Wide legged forward bend

Sphinx Pose

If you want to strengthen your back muscles, this is the perfect pose to start with. It uses your back muscles to lift your upper body, essentially working those back muscles in the way you work your abdominal muscles during crunches or sit-ups.

Start lying flat on your belly and then place your lower arms (elbows to hands) by your sides on the mat. Your elbows should be in nice and tight next to your shoulders. Try to lengthen your tailbone towards your heels and rotate your thighs outwards toward the mat, broadening the lower back. Use your back to lift your body upwards, straightening your upper arms. You shouldn’t put too much weight on your hands to lift up – they are just there to guide and support the pose.  You can either hold the pose for a few breaths, or practice it dynamically by lifting up on an inhale and gently releasing it on an exhale for a few rounds of breath.

Sphinx pose

Locust Pose/Bow Pose

If you are comfortable with sphinx, these are also back strengthening poses that are a bit more challenging. Locust pose is the next pose to move into and then if you master that, you can try bow pose, which requires a bit more flexibility along the entire body and is fantastic for posture.

For locust pose, start on your belly, with your hands either where they were for sphinx pose, or stretched out in front of you, or stretched back towards your legs. Exhale as much air out of your lungs as you can, and then on a deep inhale, lift your arms, upper body and legs up off the mat. The more you can lift up, the better, but don’t jerk or strain your back to do this. Take it nice and slow and lift a little higher on each inhale. You can rock forward and back to assist in the lift. Try to stay here for at least 3 long breaths.

Locust pose

For bow pose, start on your belly again and take hold of your ankles. Make sure your knees are not wider than hip-distance apart and when you lift, keep checking that they do not drift outwards. On an inhale, lift your head, chest and thighs up off the mat. Again you can gently rock front to back and try to lift a little more off the mat with every inhale, remembering to breathe as you hold the pose.

Bow pose

Child’s Pose

You should always practice child’s pose after locust or bow pose, because it releases the tightness in the back and relaxes the muscles, decompressing the spine. This is a very restorative pose that is great for relieving the back and neck.

Start in tabletop position with your wrists underneath your shoulders and knees underneath your hips. As you exhale, sit back onto your heels. Your torso should rest on your thighs, or in between them for wide-angle child’s pose. Make sure your arms are stretched out in front of you to create more space along the back and sides of your body and rest your forehead on the mat. You should feel a nice stretch along your back and between your shoulder blades. Stay here for a few breaths, allowing yourself to relax into the pose. You can then send your arms backwards, either side of your body to rest and relax your shoulders.

Child's pose

Extended Puppy Pose

This pose works the back muscles and spine while opening and stretching the hip muscles, psoas and sacrum at the same time, which ultimately helps support a strong, healthy back. It increases blood flow to the head and opens up blockages, increasing blood flow to the back. Extended puppy pose is a cross between child’s pose and downward facing dog.

Start in tabletop position again and then walk your hands forward, keeping your tailbone pointing up towards the sky. When you feel a stretch along your back and arms, you have gone far enough and you can rest in the pose for a few breaths. There should be a slight curve in your lower back. As you inhale, imagine the oxygen moving along your spine and torso, into your abdomen.

 Extended puppy pose

Bridge Pose

This is a particularly beneficial restorative yoga pose for the back – especially the lower back. Besides helping to strengthen lower back muscles, it encourages good posture and core control, as well as forcing the pelvis to practice balance, which supports the back. There are a few variations for this pose, depending on whether you are trying to strengthen the back, stretch the front of the body after practicing core work, or practicing a therapeutic pose for back pain.

Start lying on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the ground, hip-distance apart. Make sure you can brush your heels with your fingertips. On an inhale, slowly and carefully lift your pelvis and lower back up towards the ceiling, pressing your hands into the mat. If you feel comfortable, you can lift yourself up higher, lifting your middle and upper back and tucking your shoulders underneath you, squeezing the shoulder blades together. Lift your collarbone towards the ceiling and clasp your hands underneath you or place your elbows on the ground and hands on your hips. Stay in this pose for at least 5 long, slow breaths, watching as your belly rises on an inhale and falls on an exhale.

Bridge pose

Plow Pose

This pose stretches the shoulders and back while stimulating digestion, improving oxygen flow to the lungs and reducing blood pressure. However, it can strain the back of your neck, so if your back pain is around the shoulders or neck area, you should consult your doctor or a yoga therapist or physiotherapist before practicing this pose. Similarly, it is quite a difficult pose, depending on individual flexibility and weight, so it’s important to only push yourself to a comfortable stretch – never force your feet to the ground.

Plow pose

If you do have serious back problems, a great alternative to this pose is simply lying on your back and hugging your knees into your chest, stretching along the back. If you do have a tight back that would benefit from plow pose, start on your back with your arms by your sides, hands pressed into the mat. Tighten your core and, on an inhale, lift your legs, lower back and middle back up towards the ceiling, catching your back with your hands firmly to support yourself. This is a shoulder stand, and, again, it may be enough for you. If not, you can move your legs over your head, slow and controlled, keeping your core strong and back straight to protect your spine. Keep moving your feet back until you feel a good stretch in the back and stay in that position for a few breaths – your feet may or may not reach the floor. When moving out of plow pose or shoulder stand, keep your core strong and engaged and move down slowly without rolling back down onto your back. Place your hands back onto the mat and slowly move one vertebrae of your back onto the mat at a time.

Universal Spinal Twist

This is another relaxing, restorative pose that reduces stiffness in the lower back and releases tension along the spine.

Start lying on your back with your arms out wide, palms facing up. Bend one knee, and slowly fold it over the other leg, allowing gravity to gently pull it down towards the ground. Make sure both shoulders stay connected with the mat, and turn your gaze in the opposite direction of your bent knee. Relax into the pose and feel the stretch along the side of your body and your lower back. Stay here for at least 5 breaths and then repeat on the other side.

universal spinal twist

If it’s your lower back that is causing you pain or discomfort, try this video sequence of yoga poses specifically targeted to the lower back…

And if it’s your upper back, neck or shoulders that give you the most grief (especially for people who work at a desk all day), try this video sequence specifically targeted to those areas…


from Bembu

Top 8 Fruitful Health Benefits Of Limes (+ Nutritious, Delicious Sweet & Savory Recipes)

Limes are often overlooked in a world full of lemons, but the little green fruits have just as much merit as their larger yellow cousins, and offer something a little different within the citrus family. Recipes that call for lemons can almost always be substituted for limes, and vice versa, although substituting will make the food taste a little different. Besides the fact that limes are bursting with delicious, zesty flavor, they are also packed full of health-boosting nutrients that look after our bodies from the inside out…

Health benefits of lime

All About Limes

These little green round citrus fruits are a little stronger but slightly less sour than lemons, and are often used to enhance flavors or add a zesty touch to a meal. They grow on thorny, scrubby evergreen trees called ‘lime trees’, which can grow to around 17-feet high. Limes are commonly used as an ingredient in Thai, Vietnamese and Mexican cuisine and grow all-year-round in tropical climates. They are extremely nutritious and versatile, used in food, cosmetics and cleaning products. They are generally around 3 to 6cm in diameter and the juice of just one of these flavorful fruits holds more than 30% of your recommended daily vitamin C intake.

Lime tree

The word ‘lime’ is of Arabic origin, although it is believed the fruit originated in Southeast Asia. Persian and Arab traders are understood to have introduced limes to India and the Middle East, before they were brought to France and Italy by returning 13th century crusaders. Mexico is now the world’s largest producer and consumer of limes.

Nutritional Information

Despite their size, limes are extremely flavorful and come with plenty of valuable nutrients. The juice of one lime, which is about 67 grams, is made up of 20 calories, 7 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of dietary fiber and 32% of your daily recommended vitamin C intake. Vitamin C is fundamental to the body’s connective tissue development, which includes the healing of wounds and blood vessel wall support. Besides vitamin C, there are other important micronutrients in lime juice, in lesser amounts, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and B.

Vitamin C

Limes are rich in flavonoids, which are pigments that give plants their color. These flavonoids, which are strong and potent in citrus fruits, act as powerful antioxidants, helping to protect the body from free radicals that can damage healthy cells. The citric acid in sour limes, which gives them their tart taste, also has its nutritional benefits.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, which looked at the antibacterial activity of lime juice against harmful bacteria, scientists found it was effective in decreasing the spread of bad bacteria. Researchers concluded that fresh lime juice may be effective in preventing certain bacterial infections.

Health Benefits Of Limes

Eating all kinds of fruits and vegetables has been associated with increased overall health and a reduced risk of a number of lifestyle-related health conditions. Lime juice, and vitamin C, which is abundantly available in lime juice, are believed to minimize the risk of a number of health problems and ailments, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as improve the immune system and promote healthy hair and skin.


1. Limes May Decrease The Risk Of Obesity

Like warm lemon water, a glass of warm water with the juice of one lime works as a refreshing antioxidant-rich drink that may aid weight loss. This is because the citric acid in lime juice might be able to help the body burn fat. Lime juice in general is a healthy, weight-conscious option when compared to more common fruit juice choices, such as orange juice, because it provides vitamins with very few calories and sugar. By switching from sweeter, more calorie-dense juices and drink options to lime juice, you can almost trick the body into being satisfied with a flavorful, sweet drink without those extra calories!

Lime for weight loss

2. Limes May Lower The Risk Of Diabetes

Citrus fruits, including limes, are considered ‘super foods’ when it comes to managing diabetes. This is because the high levels of soluble fiber in limes help regulate the body’s sugar absorption into the blood, reducing the risk of a blood sugar spike. This soluble fiber is found in the peel, juice and pulp of limes, meaning the more of the fruit you can consume, the better. Soluble fiber might also help lower blood pressure and reduce ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, which can clog arteries. The low glycemic index of limes also means the fruit will not cause glucose levels to spike unexpectedly.


3. Limes Promote Heart Health

The soluble fiber found in limes, which can help diabetics maintain their blood sugar levels, is also known to eliminate the presence of LDL cholesterol, known as ‘bad cholesterol’, and lower blood pressure. It is also known to cut down on blood vessel inflammation, which can help prevent heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. Limes are rich in vitamin C, which is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, while low levels of vitamin C in the blood is linked to an increased risk of stroke.

According to a UK study from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, consuming higher amounts of citrus fruits may lower women’s risk of suffering an ischemic stroke. This was one of the first studies to examine the results of consuming flavonoid subclasses, which are found in fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate and red wine, and how they might affect the risk of stroke. In this case, researchers concluded that flavonoids may provide some protection against ischemic stroke by improving blood vessel function and offering an anti-inflammatory effect.

Lime for heart health

4. Limes Can Help Prevent Asthma

The vitamin C in limes can help prevent asthma and allergies. A number of studies have found vitamin C consumption to have positive effects on pulmonary function tests, decreased respiratory infection, improved white blood cell function and motility, and bronchoprovocation challenges with methacholine, histamine or allergens.

There are a number of natural remedies for reducing asthma and allergy outbreaks and wheezing. One recommendation is to consume a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice every morning to prevent symptoms from cropping up.

Lime juice

5. Limes Increase Iron Absorption

One of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the developed world is iron, which is a leading cause of anemia. Foods that are high in vitamin C, like lime, can be paired with iron-rich foods to maximize the body’s ability to absorb dietary iron. This can be achieved by drinking lime juice with an iron-rich meal, or by adding lime as an ingredient to a meal with iron-rich food in it. Foods high in iron include red meat, poultry, seafood, beans, and dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach.


6. Limes Enhance The Immune System

Vitamin C is well-known as a powerful immune system booster that can help combat cold and flu germs. Because the immune system is strongly influenced by nutrient intake, a vitamin C deficiency can result in reduced resistance to certain pathogens, while a greater supply can enhance a number of immune system parameters. That’s why fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C are an extremely important part of your diet all-year-round – to help keep your health and immune system in tiptop shape. A glass of warm lime or lemon water every morning is a great way to consistently get a vitamin C boost into your diet.

Warm lime water

7. Limes Boost Skin Health

Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties, which play an important role in the production of collagen, strengthening the capillaries underneath the skin, and increasing circulation, which can help prevent lines, cellulite and varicose veins. Ascorbic acid has beneficial effects on skin cells, when taken in both dietary and topical form. The juice of one lime, for example, provides 32% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C, which helps build and maintain collagen. Some studies have shown that vitamin C may even prevent and treat ultraviolet-induced photo-damage.

Lime for skin health

Lime juice and the natural oils from the peel are very beneficial to the skin, whether consumed or applied externally. The antioxidants in lime rejuvenate tired skin and protect it from infections. It can be used as an exfoliator because its acids remove dead skin cells and can help reduce rashes. There are a number of natural skin scrub, bath soak and moisturizer recipes available that use lime as a nourishing, skin-tightening ingredient for a radiant complexion. This DIY mask combines lime and oatmeal to diminish the appearance of skin pigmentation…

8. Limes Promote Healthy Hair

The healing properties in lime juice can be extended to hair health, especially when combined with other natural ingredients. The acid in lime juice can be used to help treat and rid the hair of dandruff. Simply add some lime juice to water and use the solution as a final rinse after washing your hair. You will find the lime will also condition your hair, giving it a healthy, natural shine, while removing excess oils from the scalp. There are a few ways you can add lime into your haircare routine for strong, shiny locks.

Lime for hair


Limes can be used in both sweet and savory meals to enhance and adjust the flavor, or add a nice zingy bite. Popular uses include cooking white fish with sliced limes on top or squeezing it on cooked fish and Thai curries. It can be used in herbal tea, as a base in salad dressings and marinades or as a zesty ingredient in desserts. Try these healthy sweet and savory lime recipes to get your dose of vitamin C…

Squeezed lime

Lime Cilantro Swordfish Kebabs – This is a fantastic barbecue option that is a bit more creative than traditional shrimp or chicken skewers (or steak and hamburgers for that matter!). Swordfish is similar to tuna steak in that it is rather meaty compared to other fish. However, unlike tuna, which actually looks quite like steak, swordfish has a lovely white fish color, and grills beautifully, without sticking. The marinade used in this recipe is quick to whip up and very versatile – the vegetables can be swapped and changed depending on what is seasonal. And there’s nothing better than a tangy, limey fish option at a barbecue to win over your guests!

Grilled Pineapple Lime And Chilli Salad – This quinoa salad is bursting with sweet, spicy and tangy flavors – perfect for a light summer meal. The lime, chilli and olive oil-based dressing complements the sweet pineapple perfectly, and the quinoa gives it the substance it needs to be a satisfying lunch or dinner.

Pineapple lime chilli

Guacamole – The thing about guacamole is that we often buy it premade and dip salty corn chips in it while sipping on margaritas. So perhaps you don’t think of it as a healthy option. But, on the contrary, guacamole is made from some of the healthiest ingredients on the planet – avocado, lime and garlic, and you don’t need nachos to accompany it. It makes the perfect side to poached chicken and salad, or spread on grainy toast for breakfast or lunch. This guacamole recipe features cilantro, onion and tomato alongside lime, garlic and avocado, for a flavorful, healthy and filling dip.

Lime Cilantro Spinach Smoothie – Anyone who loves cilantro, ginger and lime will love this energizing smoothie that will have you feeling revived, healthy and ready to take on the world! It is a great drink to aid digestion and boost the immune system, and with the avocado and banana, it will keep you nice and full.

Lime smoothie

Raspberry Lime Chia Oatmeal – This delicious breakfast definitely takes the bland out of oatmeal. Bursting with a beautiful bright, pink color as well as sweet and zesty flavors, it’s the perfect cheerful way to start your day. Oatmeal is a great breakfast option because it doesn’t cause a sugar spike and will keep your full for hours.

Raw Key Lime Tart – We couldn’t have a lime blog without a key lime tart recipe. Unlike the original key lime pie dessert, which is full of traditional unhealthy ingredients like sugar, butter and condensed milk, this recipe is packed full of healthy, wholesome ingredients for a filling, nutritious sweet treat. This dessert takes just 15 minutes to put together, with a nut, coconut and date crust and a creamy lime filling made from cashews, coconut oil, maple syrup, and, of course, limes.

Raw key lime tart

from Bembu

Weekly Plant-Based Dinner Plan, May 31–June 3, 2016

Hoisin-flavored Asian Noodles

We’re back from a long weekend with a slightly abbreviated version of our weekly meal plans. After Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer, it definitely feels like summer. And when it’s this warm, who wants to spend time in the kitchen making dinner?

from Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes:

What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work?

Carb blockers are a type of diet supplement. However, they work differently than most of the other weight loss pills on the market. They block carbs from being digested, apparently allowing you to eat carbs without (some) of the unwanted calories. But are they really as beneficial as they sound? This is a detailed review […] The article "What Are Carb Blockers and Do They Work?" appeared first on

- Click the link or visit Authority Nutrition to read the article now.

from Authority Nutrition

lundi 30 mai 2016

13 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight (Fast and Safely)

The human body contains around 60% water, which plays a key role in all aspects of life (1). However, excess water retention (edema) is a common side effect of chronic inflammation (2). Also known as fluid retention, edema can be caused by food intolerances, poor diet, toxin exposure and diseases like kidney failure. Women may […] The article "13 Easy Ways to Lose Water Weight (Fast and Safely)" appeared first on

- Click the link or visit Authority Nutrition to read the article now.

from Authority Nutrition

dimanche 29 mai 2016

12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an incredibly healthy medicinal herb. It is classified as an “adaptogen,” meaning that it can help your body manage stress. Aswhagandha also provides all sorts of other benefits for your body and brain. For example, it can lower blood sugar levels, reduce cortisol, boost brain function and help fight symptoms of anxiety and […] The article "12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha" appeared first on

- Click the link or visit Authority Nutrition to read the article now.

from Authority Nutrition

Food of the Week: Pasture-Raised Chicken

Although the practice of domesticating fowl dates back at least as far as 2,000 BC, the raising of chickens - for food, for eggs, or simply as pets - seems to have fluctuated throughout human history. At times, both chicken eggs and chicken meat ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Recipe of the Week: 7-Minute Quick Broiled Chicken

Chicken breasts provide a wonderful source of low-fat protein to your Healthiest Way of Eating. Our Quick Broil method retains and flavor and moisture; the secret is to leave the skin on while cooking. Enjoy! ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

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From the kitchen: Tips for Preparing Chicken

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Do potatoes have a potential for helping to lower blood pressure?

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What's new and beneficial about shrimp?

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Description and history of quinoa

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from The World's Healthiest Foods

50 Delicious, Healthy Banana Recipes For Breakfast & Dessert!

When you hear the word ‘banana’, does your mouth water, thinking about the creamy, sweet fruit that is extremely popular the world over, or does the thought of the texture make you feel a little queasy? You either love bananas or you hate them, but one thing is for sure, and that is, bananas are incredibly nutritious and extremely versatile when used as a baking or raw food ingredient. If you are one of the millions of people who do like the taste of bananas, then these 50 healthy banana recipes will keep you going for quite a while!


Nutritional Information

Bananas have a number of powerful health benefits. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants and several essential nutrients. A medium-sized banana (118g) contains 9% of your recommended daily intake of potassium, 33% vitamin B6, 17% vitamin C, 8% magnesium, 10% copper and 14% manganese. One banana has around 105 calories and is made up of mainly water and carbohydrates.

Banana protein shake

A Brief History Of Bananas

When you think of bananas, do you think of tropical holidays and cocktails by the beach? Bananas are believed to have originated in Malaysia, about 4,000 years ago, before spreading into the Philippines and India. Arabian traders introduced them into Africa, where Portugese explorers were first introduced to them, later taking them to America. Bananas were not sold in the US until the 19th century, because the fragile fruits were not able to travel far. However, the development of refrigeration and improved transport in the 20th century saw the sale of bananas skyrocket, becoming far more widely available. Most tropical and subtropical regions around the world grow bananas today, with major producers in South and Central America.


Healthy Banana Recipes

Bananas are so versatile when used as an ingredient, and, similar to sweet potato, apples and avocados, they can be used to substitute a multitude of carb-loaded and sugary traditional baking ingredients like flour, sugar, cream and butter!


Banana recipes

1. Fluffy Kefir Banana Pancakes – Using kefir as a substitute for buttermilk, these delicious vanilla-flavored pancakes are filling and satisfying. The probiotics in the kefir gives the immune system a well-deserved health kick and the banana and maple syrup give them a sweet, caramelized taste.

2. Two Ingredient Pancakes – Okay, hold the press! We have pancakes made from just two ingredients. It takes literally seconds to mix the batter and just a few more minutes to cook them! And these two-ingredient pancakes surprisingly taste absolutely delicious! You’re welcome.

3. Gluten Free Cardamom Banana Pancakes – Vegan, gluten-free, flavorful and healthy. What more could you want in a pancake? If you’re a fan of sweet, decadent breakfasts or desserts, then this perfect match of caramelized banana and exotic cardamom was made for you! Free from processed sugar, and rich with vitamins, fiber and nutrients that won’t cause a sugar crash, they are perfectly healthy and are quick and simple to make. Plus, they give you the perfect reason to leap out of bed in the morning when your alarm sounds!

Banana cardamom pancakes

4. Blender Banana Rice Gluten-Free Waffles – Talk about creativity with leftover food! This is the perfect breakfast option when you have leftover rice from the night before. These healthy waffles are super quick and easy to whip up, using bananas, rice, eggs (or a vegan alternative), coconut sugar, coconut oil, almond milk and a couple other base ingredients for a great weekend breakfast or brunch.

5. Breakfast Cookies – You can’t really beat cookies for breakfast – for ease, speed, cleanliness, and, let’s face it, deliciousness! These hearty cookies are packed with healthy, filling ingredients including oats, nut butter, seeds and fruit. They are the perfect grab-and-go option for busy mornings, and they taste incredible warmed up on a cold day.

6. Banana Coconut Chia Pudding Parfaits – If you’re more of a night owl than a morning bird then this scrumptious make-ahead breakfast is perfect for those mornings that you know aren’t going to be pretty! All you have to do is blend all the super healthy, nutritious ingredients and let them sit in the fridge overnight to thicken. Add bananas, oats, walnuts and coconut, and your own favorite medley of garnishes, and you’re good to go – brain fueled and energy boosted!

banana chia pudding parfaits

7. Tofu Waffles With Baked Banana Sauce – This clever recipe is completely vegan and uses tofu as an alternative to buttermilk because of its ability to create the perfect waffle – fluffy inside and crispy outside. As a result, this breakfast is packed full of protein!

8. Banana Zucchini Overnight Oats – Another perfect roll-out-of-bed and grab-and-go breakfast that will fuel and nourish you for the day. Simply mix the 5 ingredients together, and, voila! You have your breakfast sitting in the fridge waiting for you in the morning!

9. Baked Oats – Oats, blueberries, walnuts, banana, raisins, plant-based milk, maple syrup and cinnamon – the perfect breakfast concoction, and a quick, easy one to whip up at that! And unlike bircher muesli, it is served warm – perfect for winter or cold, frosty mornings!

Baked Oats

10. Dark Chocolate Almond Banana Bakes Oatmeal – Another delicious, satisfying and warming oatmeal breakfast for cold or early mornings when only a comforting breakfast will do. And what’s more – making it is an absolute breeze. It’s just a matter of combining the dry ingredients, adding the wet ingredients, and baking!


11. Blender Banana Oatmeal Muffins – There isn’t one unhealthy ingredient in these gluten-free blender muffins. The main ingredients are bananas, oatmeal, and Greek yogurt, and, since they’re loaded with fiber and protein, they are extremely satisfying and filling! 

12. Banana, Yogurt & Cinnamon Muffins – Banana and yogurt – a match made in heaven. Add the cinnamon, chia seeds and almonds, and you have a flavorful, nutritious low-carb dessert or breakfast that is full of fiber with no refined sugar, and they are super handy to grab as you race out the door!

13. Banana Cauliflower Muffins – Sound appealing? Maybe not, but you actually won’t be able to detect the cauliflower in these yummy, moist muffins, and it’s a great way to get one of your veggie servings into your day! Topped off with a delicious peanut butter icing, and these muffins are a winning dessert or snack for the kids.

Banana Cauliflower Muffins

14. Banana Nut Muffins – Taking all of 10 minutes to prepare, these tasty muffins are packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Unlike shop-bought muffins, there is less sugar, meaning they have a nice balanced sweetness, instead of being overly sweet, and they can work well as a morning tea snack if you’re feeling hungry before lunch.

15. Vegan Chocolate Banana Muffins – Healthy enough for breakfast but good enough for dessert – you can’t really argue with that! These muffins are rich, fudgy and ultra-chocolatey, but they are vegan, using coconut oil instead of butter, and unsweetened almond milk instead of dairy milk.

16. Blueberry, Coconut & Banana Wholemeal Muffins – Coming in at just 175 calories per muffin, these make an idea breakfast-on-the-go or morning tea snack. They are quick and easy to make, and, let’s be honest; you can’t really beat a blueberry muffin!

Banana blueberry muffins

17. Salted Caramel Banana Bread Muffins – If these muffins have a stand out feature, it’s their texture – the soft moist muffin paired with the crunchy granola topping is to die for! Delicious and decadent, but healthy enough not to feel too guilty, they’re sure to be a winner with the whole family!

18. Banana & Rhubarb Mini Muffins – If you’re a fan of rhubarb, then this is the recipe for you! And the cute little light muffins are the perfect picnic treat when rhubarb is in season in spring. The tangy, fruity flavor and beautiful color of the rhubarb works perfectly with the creamy banana and moist muffin base.

Banana Bread

19. Coconut Banana Bread – We had to include banana bread in this blog, because, let’s face it – it’s a classic for a reason. It’s delicious, easy to make and super healthy. This is a great option, because it calls for wholemeal spelt flour instead of traditional white flour, and includes coconut (yum!), vanilla and cinnamon – the perfect combination of delicious ingredients – and with no refined sugar!

coconut banana bread

20. Banana Bread Snickerdoodles – If you always make the same old banana bread when you find overripe bananas in the fruit bowl and want to try something a bit different, this creative take on a couple of classics is the perfect option! They are gluten free, soft, gooey and deliciously sweet, as well as being super quick and easy to whip up! 

Banana Bread Snickerdoodles

21. Flourless Banana Bread – This gluten-free banana bread smells and tastes so delicious, it’s hard to believe how healthy it is. And, with just 5 ingredients, it’s so quick and simple to create as well! Just oatmeal, bananas, eggs, maple syrup and baking soda blended together and baked for less than half-an-hour. Enjoy!

Flourless banana bread

22. Applesauce Banana Loaf – This dairy-free banana bread uses apples as a substitute for butter and milk, and, instead of using all flour, it is half substituted with ground almonds, reducing the carb factor. It is a yummy, moist take on banana bread, and the apples actually work extremely well with the bananas!

23. Chocolate Banana Babka – This recipe looks extremely indulgent, but it is actually quite healthy, vegan and free from refined sugars. It is a very soft bread that resembles babka extremely well, despite being plant-based. There’s no oil and it is low in fat, with bananas and a little maple syrup providing the sweetness.

Chocolate Banana Babka

24. Zucchini Banana Bread – The secret to hidden nutrients, fiber and perfect moisture in this recipe is zucchini – who’d have thought? A great way to eat one of your fruits and one of your vegetables for the day, while getting something quite wholesome and filling into you! 


25. Strawberry Banana Beet Smoothie – Let’s be honest – you can’t beat the scrumptious taste of strawberries and bananas together! This is another way versatile bananas come in very handy – substituting cream and ice-cream to make a milkshake or smoothie thick and creamy. And with the beetroot, you get an added boost of nutrients as well as a show-stopping mouth-watering rich pink color that is sure to tempt any palette! 

banana beat smoothie

26. Bloat-Busting Banana Smoothie – This recipe was created by Dr. Oz to help blast belly bloat and improve digestive health. Plus, it’s extremely delicious! Along with bananas, the recipe calls for protein-packed Greek yogurt, sweet dates, and some almond milk.

27. Tropical Smoothie – If you like pina coladas… then you’ll love this healthy tropical-inspired smoothie. With coconut milk, banana, pineapple and mango, it is a healthy, refreshing and filling beverage for a warm day.

28. Creamy Blueberry Smoothie – This energy-boosting vegan smoothie has just 5 ingredients, and each one of them is bursting with nutritious fiber, antioxidants and vitamins – almond milk, blueberries, avocado, chia seeds, and, of course, banana! Together, they create one big power smoothie that is creamy and satisfying, with plenty of fiber to keep you going for the day.

Blueberry Banana Smoothie

29. Strawberry, Banana and Spirulina Smoothie – Looking for a hardcore health boost, but want it to taste good, too? We hear you, which is why we’ve found this strawberry and banana smoothie that is boosted with healthy ingredients, including spirulina, spinach and chia seeds.

Strawberry Spirulina Banana Smoothie

30. Kale, Coffee & Almond Butter Recovery Smoothie – This might be the ultimate post-workout smoothie when your body is craving nutrients, healthy fats, caffeine and, well, deliciousness! Maca powder, hemp seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, kale, dates, almond butter and bananas make for a fiber-rich, antioxidant-dense recovery meal-in-a-cup that you can whip up and enjoy!

31. Green Smoothie – Is this the best green smoothie ever invented? Maybe… Packed with essential nutrients and micronutrients, it is great for the liver and digestive system. Best of all, you can choose your greens, with suggestions including spinach, Swiss chard and beet greens. Simply added to frozen bananas, avocado, peanut butter powder, vanilla and water, it makes for the perfect nutrient-boosting beverage!                                          

32. Creamy Turmeric Smoothie – Nutritious and energy boosting, this vibrant colored smoothie will give you an energy kick for the day. It is absolutely bursting with energizing flavors, including pineapple, ginger, lime and turmeric, along with the creamier flavors of banana, almond milk and coconut, creating the perfect cocktail of tastes!

Turmeric smoothie

33. Dreamy Banana Tahini Smoothies – Using creamy bananas, rich tahini and filling oats, you can trick your body into thinking you’re indulging in a decadent dessert, when, really, you’re nourishing your body with healthy, nutritious ingredients! And this tasty smoothie takes just 5 minutes to prepare.

34. Mint Chocolate Smoothie Bowl – Rich, sweet, creamy and yet refreshing, this healthy bowl is full of goodness and natural ingredients, including bananas, avocado, almond milk, mint leaves, chia seeds, granola and berries. It makes a great throw-together breakfast, or afternoon snack!

35. Dairy-Free Strawberry Milkshake – Easy to prepare and healthy, this dairy-free milkshake is deliciously creamy, without having to add milk or ice-cream! Frozen strawberries and bananas give the milkshake its thick, creamy texture, and the natural sugars in the fruit means you don’t have to add any refined sugar. Just blend and enjoy!


36. Strawberry, Mango And Banana Swirl Ice Cream – One of the many uses of bananas is in no-churn ice-cream, and in this case, healthy vegan ice-cream. The base of this delicious, summery ice-cream is purely bananas – no refined sugar, heavy cream or eggs. And all you need is a few fruits and a food processor! Blended bananas create a similar texture to traditional ice-cream, and, in this case flavoured with strawberries and mangoes, and sweetened with honey.

banana ice cream

37. Frozen Chocolate Covered Banana Pops – During the hot summer months, it just feels natural to indulge in a bowl of ice-cream or reach for an ice pop. Instead of stocking up the freezer with processed ice-creams, full of refined sugar, try your hand at these homemade frozen banana pops. They’re covered in dark chocolate and have an ideal ice-cream-like texture. If you aren’t in the mood for dark chocolate, you can dip the banana in yogurt and then homemade granola instead. Yummy!

38. Banana Mango Sorbet – No ice-cream machine needed and just two ingredients – this recipe couldn’t be simpler. And on top of that, it’s super healthy and scrumptious! By blending bananas and mangos together and then freezing them, you can create an ice-cream-like texture, thanks to the effect freezing has on the bananas.

Banana mango ice-cream

39. Mint Chocolate Chunk Nice-Cream – Using banana again to create that beautiful ice-cream texture and creaminess, along with non-dairy milk, mint, greens (for a health kick) and chocolate chunks, this is a delicious, refreshing summer treat, but a guilt-free one!

40. Banana Peanut Butter Ice Cream – I know we’re focusing heavily on ice-cream, but come on, it’s hard not to! Bananas create the perfect alternative frozen treat, and if you’re looking for something guilt-free, then look no further. With only two ingredients (frozen bananas and peanut butter), this homemade ice cream is dairy-free, gluten-free, and refined sugar-free!

Snacks & Desserts

41. Guilt-Free Raspberry Chocolate Brownies – These soft, moist brownies are rich and sweet, but with avocadoes and bananas as the base, they are as guilt-free as you could get in an indulgent dessert! The raspberries create a sweet, tangy ‘pop’ to the creamy, chocolatey ingredients for the ultimate comfort food on a cold winter’s day (or, let’s face it – a warm summer’s day!).

Healthy Banana Chocolate Raspberry brownies

42. No Bake Chocolate Banana Energy Balls – If you’re looking for a treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth but won’t make you feel guilty, then these tasty energy balls are just the ticket! Loaded with chocolate chips, banana, coconut, oats, flaxseed, chia seeds and cinnamon, they are the perfect pre or post-workout snack, and they are also great for a hard day at work if your job is laborious.

No Bake Chocolate Banana Energy Bites

43. Chocolate Banana Brownies – So quick, so easy and just four ingredients – bananas, nut butter, cocoa powder and coconut flour! Sweetened by the bananas, these easy-to-make brownies are perfect for people who don’t like their desserts too sickly sweet.

44. Banana Peanut Butter – Okay, we may have stumbled upon the most delicious thing ever invented: banana peanut butter. That’s peanut butter flavored with banana. It’s so simple and genius, you have to ask yourself why you haven’t thought of it before! Simply blend bananas and peanuts or peanut butter together to make a mouthwatering spread that is perfect for muffins, pancakes, smoothies and oatmeal.

banana peanut butter

45. Coconut Cream Date Caramel Banoffee – Love banoffee pie but can’t justify the serious cream and sugar overload? This healthier alternative will be your best friend when you feel like indulging! Using dates instead of caramel, sugar-free biscuits, coconut oil and nuts instead of the buttery, sugary crust, and coconut cream instead of regular cream, this will not have you questioning your choices for the rest of the day, with a bloated belly!

46. Chewy Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies – These may look and sound indulgent, but they are vegan and gluten-free, with no refined sugar and plenty of healthy, wholesome ingredients, including oats, chia seeds and, of course, bananas!

Chewy banana choc chip cookies

47. Cherry Garcia Paleo Banana Bread Bars – These paleo, vegan bars are packed with wholesome, natural energy-boosting ingredients, for the ideal healthy snack. If you’re trying to curb your hunger or sweet cravings, then this is the ticket!

48. Hazelnut, Banana & Chocolate Chip Granola Bars – These sweet, nutty, chewy bars are so handy for work, picnics and school lunches. Hazelnut, chocolate and bananas were all made for each other, and this easily prepared slice that can be cut up into individual bars is a super handy breakfast, morning tea or afternoon snack!

Hazelnut Banana Choc Granola Bars

49. Healthy Banana & Chocolate Pudding – Using just a few natural ingredients, this gluten-free, dairy-free dessert can be enjoyed completely guilt-free! But the healthy ingredients don’t make it any less moist, decadent and mouthwatering, so it will work for dinner parties and date nights!

50. Coconut, Strawberry & Banana Cream Pie – This lavish vegan dessert is sweetened with dates, meaning there’s no refined sugar, filled with bananas and strawberries for a vitamin and potassium boost, and spiced with cinnamon and cardamom. It’s a dessert to impress guests at any dinner party or afternoon tea!

from Bembu