
vendredi 8 mai 2015

6 Special Vegan Mother’s Day Brunch Recipes

Anyone can take their mom out for Mother’s Day brunch — but why fight crowds and limited vegan options? Your mom will be more impressed and grateful if you show your love by making a special brunch. None are difficult or time consuming and all are tasty as can be. Let’s start with Jenné Claiborne’s Buckwheat Crepes with Chocolate Sauce, above.

Crustless Tofu Quiche

Crustless Tofu Quiche with Mushrooms and Herbs is so flavorful and easy to prepare that you may come to prefer it over the egg-and-cheese variety. Serve with fresh breads and a fruit salad.

fruit platter with tropical yogurt

Composed Fresh Fruit Platters can be the main feature of a light brunch served with muffins or other baked goods. Here, quantities are given just as a guideline — vary the kind of fruit used according to what’s available.

Deviled tomatoes

If you and yours no longer eat eggs but have a craving for the retro classic, deviled eggs, you’ll really enjoy these Deviled Tomatoes — a completely vegan rendition. For a fun Mother’s Day brunch, serve with a potato salad as well as some sort of green salad.

Vegan Strawberry Pancakes

Mother’s Day dovetails with strawberry season, so Strawberry Pancakes are a natural choice. For a heartier meal, serve with sautéed strips of tempeh bacon.

Orange-cranberry muffins

The magic in these vegan Magic Muffins, with Variations is that they use no eggs or dairy, but rather incorporate a great healthy baking technique—using applesauce as a binding and fat substitute. Make Mom a batch of muffins and serve with fresh fruit, or pair with the Composed Fresh Fruit Platters, above.


from Vegan & Vegetarian Recipes:

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