
samedi 2 mai 2015

How to Make Fresh Ginger-Lemon Tea

Though this classic recipe is called a tea, it’s really an infusion of fresh ginger and lemon — nothing “tea” about it other than how healthful it is and how soothing it is to drink. To learn about some of the benefits of this beverage, see 5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Ginger Lemon Tea.

Makes: 4 cups

  • 4 cups filtered water
  • Juice of 1 large lemon (or more, to taste),
  • 2- to 3- inch piece ginger, sliced
  • Sweetener of choice (stevia, agave, raw honey, etc.) to taste, optional
  • Slices of fresh lemon (from an additional lemon) for serving, optional

Combine the water, lemon juice, and ginger in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Let steep at least 20 minutes; 30 minutes is even better.

If serving right away, you might want to reheat to your liking. Or, you can let steep even longer, letting the ginger flavor become more pronounced. Sweeten to taste with sweetener of choice, or let everyone sweeten their own.

Serve with or without slices of the steeped ginger and slices of fresh lemon. You also let the infusion cool, and then chill for a cold drink.

Variation: Add a cinnamon stick or two to the saucepan with the lemon juice and ginger.

How to make Ginger Lemon Tea

Find lots more tips on our Healthy Vegan Kitchen page.


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